Thursday, June 29, 2006

Clarified architecture

Some weeks back I posted two diagrams with the architecture for SQLbusRT. One was for one database instance, and one was for multiple databases.

After reading a bit on about the triggers and events in MySQL 5.x, I decided to revise the architecture slightly. In my previous architecture, I had taken event handling outside of the database, but since MySQL supports triggers and events, there is no need to do this anymore.

I've not only taken out the event handling, I've also enhanced the readability of the diagram. To sum it up, these changes have been made:
  • Event handling is now handled inside the database, and has therefore been taken out of the diagram
  • The edges are now labeled for clarification
  • Grey boxes have been added to show the process boundaries; every box is one single process
These changes result in the following diagram (click to enlarge):
One thing about the processes is important to understand: ORTE didn't get it's own grey process box, because the amount of processes running for ORTE depends on the number of systems connected to the ORTE bus.

For every network interface connected to the ORTE bus, one "ORTE manager" is started. This manager handles the connections between the publishers and the subscribers. E.g., when all processes are running on one machine, then one ORTE manager will be running. Distributing the processes over multiple machines will increase the number of ORTE managers.

Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Planet MySQL

This blog has been added to the MySQL developer zone!

You can reach it by going to the MySQL website and clicking Developer Zone -> blogs. This brings you to the Planet MySQL, which now contains this blog.

You can also go there directly by following this link: Planet MySQL

Wednesday, June 21, 2006

New presentation

Last Friday, my mentor from the university came to visit Imtech ICT. To explain him what the project is all about, I gave a short presentation. The presentation contains some of the elements that are also present in the presentation that I posted on the 29th of May, but this new presentation focusses on the project instead of the product.

I'm sorry English readers, this presentation is in Dutch.

The presentation can be downloaded here: Kennismaking

Thursday, June 08, 2006

Development has started

The development of a prototype of SQLbusRT has started.

This first version will contain an implementation of all the components in the current architectural design. However, these components will not contain much functionality yet. The interfaces will be designed, but the messages being sent between the components will mostly be hardcoded.

This first version will be used to do some first measurements on the real-time characteristics of the architecture. As soon as the coding has finished, a link to the package will be posted here.

After doing the first measurements, the results will be posted here as well.

If you are interested in specific measurements, please let me know. I might include them in my research.