Wednesday, September 20, 2006

SQLbusRT: First test version is running!

Today I have some good news to announce! Finally, after quite some struggles and some disappointments because of 'optimistic planning', I can tell you that the first version is working.

It is a testing version which has the following functionality:
- An example sensor publishes random values on the bus;
- A insertion interface reads all sensor data on the bus (it is ready to receive data from multiple sensors) and writes it to the database. It creates tables for every new sensor;
- A selection interface listens to SQL requests and creates data sources which publish data on the bus at a specified interval;
- An example client publishes it's request on the bus and after receiving a data source ID, subscribes to this data source. It will from thereon receive the result periodically.

I will add some logging to the code now so I can extract some meaningful performance information.

I will present the performance measures to my colleagues next Monday. Afterwards, I will put the slides online.


Anonymous said...

Did you post the presentation.
I have been following your work and am interested in seeing the new presentation.

Bram Smulders said...

Hello 'anonymous',

thanks for your interest. I held the presentation last Wednesday, and in a discussion with my colleagues and managers we have decided to not post the outcome on the blog yet since some of the test failed to run properly.

I've been running some more tests now and at least I have some more interesting outcomes. I would still not say the outcomes are as expected, but that will be explained in the slides that I'll post later on today.